Tuesday, June 29, 2010

No Way of Escape

Therefore he (king of Syria) sent horses and chariots and a great army there, and they came by night and surrounded the city. And when the servant of the man of God arose early and went out, there was an army, surrounding the city with horses and chariots. And his servant said to him, “Alas my master! What shall we do?” (2 Kings 6:14-15)

There are times in our lives when we feel as if we are surrounded on all sides. Family trouble, finances, loss of a job, problems at home, ect. We all know what it feels like to feel defeated. Just as the servant asks in the above verse, we ask God, “What shall we do?”

The proceeding verses in 2 Kings Chapter six gives Israel step by step instructions of what to do when you are surrounded on all sides by your enemies. I believe these words are applicable in our problems today.

Verse 16- “Do not fear” We have to know and believe that God is bigger than anything that we could ever go through.

Verse 17- “Pray” This is our greatest weapon- direct communication with God. Just as I was writing this I thought about that game show where you can phone a friend for help. We can do that same thing through prayer to God. But the difference is that God is God. Nothing or nobody is as wise, strong, powerful or perfect as our God.

Verse 17- “Behold, the mountain was full of horses and Angels of fire all around.” God has Angels surrounding His people. Pray that God would open your eyes to see His power and His protection all around you.

Verse 21- “Seek counsel from godly people.” When you are going through trials, go to a godly woman or man of the LORD and ask them for counsel. If you do not have a mentor or someone to go to, God is always faithful to bring someone into your life or be the counsel that you need.

Verse 23- “Be generous to your enemies.” I know that this may be the hardest step. But we are commanded to love our enemies. Through our love, God is showing His love and mercy to people who he also loves.

I know that this passage of scripture really ministered to me. I know that life can present itself with problems, worries, or questions that seem to have no way out. When you find yourself just as Israel did when they woke up surrounded on all sides by Syrian army, remember these truths:

God is Faithful (Genesis 12:1-3)
God is Faithful (Deuteronomy 7:9)
God is Faithful. (Hosea 11:12)
God is Faithful. (1 Corinthians 1:9)
God is Faithful. (2 Corinthians 1:18)
God is Faithful. (1 Thessalonians 5:24)
God is Faithful. (Hebrews 10:23)
God is Faithful. (1 John 1:9)
God is Faithful. (Revelation 7:5-8)
God is Faithful. (Genesis 1:1-Revelation 22:20)



  1. THANK YOU, for sharing this. I seem to forget ALL the time how faithful God is when I am self absorbed with my own fears and sins. God always has a plan and is always faithful to love and guide us. So true, from beginning to the end God is faithful. From day one of our lives to the day He brings us home, He is faithful. LOVED all the verses. Thank you for taking time to show us those. I love you! - N

  2. I definetely failed this today. I needed to read this post again. I had a huge fight with someone in my family and tried so hard to respond in love, yet failed. I then remembered these instructions that I had just read the day before. God we need Grace... and to love our enemies.. I am a work in progress :(

  3. Oh Ash Bear, you are so on my hearts and prayers. We are ALL a work in progress. Thank you Lord for your grace and love and faithfulness towards us. Thank you for this post and for your honestly. Just love you so much, Love Megs
