Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ok so I know I just posted, but I just had the BEST, long conversation with Natalie (wow does she know just how to kick your butt! :) haha I am just so encouraged and convicted about having Idols before the Lord. Natalie was saying even when she chooses to pick at her face or pluck her eyebrows before bed instead of getting on her knees and praying to God, these are areas of idols. We are making ourselves and everything around us idols before the Lord. Wow I am SO convicted and excited to weed out these idols! Facebook, the computer, TV, cleaning, talking on the phone, reading....not that these areas individually are bad but when they are coming between you and your time with God, they become such an idol in my life! Natalie thank you for not being afraid to speak the truth, thank you for listening to what God is placing on your heart! I am totally guilty of having so many idols before the Lord. I encourage each of you to be very real with yourselves right now and pick out those areas and idols. Lets get rid of them together. Lets spend our free time with the Lord! Ok I'm going to stop preaching and go do just that :) Just really wanted to share this because I was SO encouraged by my long chat today! Love you all, my real blog post of the week is below! Love Megs


  1. This is SO hard to do... and yet I feel so guilty when I don't give God that time. I am going to spend some with Him now, thanks Megs :)

  2. Megs, you are so sweet. I am so glad the Lord totally spoke to you through our conversation. The LORD is kicking my butt. I am just being convicted left and right and I praise Him for that. Its so easy to get so self centered so quickly and turn things into worship, worship that is only meant for the Lord. Keep striving girls for more of Him in all you do and remember we were made to worship, and we are REALLY good at it, but let us worship our KING! I am joining you all in the journey! God's moving Ladies!! xoxoxoxo
