Over the past couple of weeks, I have truly been aware of the power of prayer. I have prayed for a lot of things and seen God answer them. Although most of them have just been small prayers, He is still answering them. A lot of the time I don't realize it because I'll pray for it for a day or two, forget, and then a few weeks later suddenly see just how God has completely answered that prayer.
These past few weeks have been a little bit of a struggle for me, I'm not going to lie. I have been feeling dry, not wanting to read my bible and not praying as steadfastly as I should be. Through the days that I have been really needing God's help, even just a simple prayer to Him gives me that peace. It's crazy how fast He can work when we cry out to Him. My absolute favorite verse in the bible comes from Philippians 4:6-7 and I hold it so true to my heart. Natalie, when you mentioned last week about learning and reciting a verse over and over, I completely agreed. It's a discipline we are all capable of. When I am in times of worry, anxiety, stress or just overwhelming emotion whether good or bad, I often recite this verse in my head, taking a moment to completely understand what I am saying and just how much truth is in it:
"Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."
I love the part about it being far more wonderful than our human mind can understand. When I experience a moment of peace, it is nearly the best thing in the world, and all along we aren't even fully able to experience peace from God. But I am so thankful that He generously offers it and showers it on those who truly ask for it. And I fully trust that His peace will guide my heart always back to Him.
I seriously have chills....Twist, that scripture is INSANELY powerful and I feel like I have never read it in my life! WOW!! I am totally going to memorize this one! This is something that I need to hold in my heart for sure. Thank you for encouraging me. You always do that so well. I too need to be reminded how powerful prayer is and what joy can come when we just cast our cares and requests before Him. He is SO faithful to answer just like you said. Love this so so much. THANK YOU! I am just being SOO filled up by you girls. I love you Ristie!! xoox- N
ReplyDeleteXtina this is awesome! Thank you for sharing what God is showing you. I love to see what God is doing in each of our lives and I love to see how it mirrors in our own lives! How amazing is it that God loves each of us individually so much and he has brought us together with similar circumstances! So amazing! Thank you for this beautiful post! Love Megs