Monday, July 26, 2010

Psalm 27: 4-6 (by Kathleen)

"The one thing I ask of the Lord- the one thing I seek most- is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock. Then I will hold my head up high, above my enemies who surround me. At his Tabernacle I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy, singing and praising the Lord with music."

Good morning, ladies. I apologize for not posting regularly. Megan, you will learn soon enough the difficulties in trying to type while managing a little one. My "leisure" time on the computer is about 30-seconds long. That is why my emails are 2-3 sentences- at most! Otherwise, intermittently you would read "aghehejaldldldddd" courtesy of my curious toddler.

I want to piggyback off of Megan's email. This past weekend I went camping with Bennett and while driving to a trail head in Idllywild I pointed out the what-seemed-like-the-never-ending granite slabs straining upwards toward heaven. The are majestic formation of rock interlaced with conifers and dense shrubbery. The radiant emerald of the pine needles woven through the grainy white, jade and silver stone was breath taking. I made notice of the scenery to Bennett by saying," Look at the beautiful mountains, Bennett. God created the mountains. He pulled the stone and dirt from the earth and placed it perfectly to create that lovely mountain. He created it, Bennett, for you to marvel at. He created the mountains, trees, rocks and birds so that we would look at creation and worship Him. God created everything for you, son." After those final words were uttered from my mouth, I paused. Rarely do I walk through the day praising God for his majesty, his power or for the ability to speak the earth into motion. Yet when I simplified the explanation of creation down for my kid, I got it. I realized how often I bypass the glory of God. So let us live as women who "[delight] in the Lord's perfections and [meditate] in his Temple" everyday over the mighty and the minute. Praise God for everything from the massive formations of rock and granite sprinkled all over the earth. Praise God for the sun-kissed wildflowers lining the roads we drive upon. Simply put, praise God.


  1. Kath you are so so right. I sit (in traffic) everyday and drive through two ranges of cut out mountains. I should spend that time in worship instead of complaining how I hate traffic.

    I love that you are training Benny to be a worshipper. Such an amazing thing to teach your son from a young age. You are such a good mommy!

    Love you Kath- and I really really miss you and Ben and the Crain family dinners!!

    I hope all is well :)


  2. i know, isn't it crazy the beauty that God has given us all around the world?? i think of all the absolutely beautiful things i have seen and am in awe that i forget how powerful and creative He is!! i was actually just praying this morning on my drive to work how everything around me is just a true statement of how REAL God is. there is no one else that could create such beauty other than Him!! good job for telling benny boo all about our mighty God and His creations!

  3. Kath!!! I love seeing you on here!! :) Made my day! Love this post, makes the verse about childlike faith that much more real! I love this idea of praising God in everything, and like Natalie said, actually praising him out loud! Thanks for this awesome post Kath! Give the buddy a hug for us!!! Love you, Megs

  4. Love this Kath! What a beautiful thing you are instilling in Bennett. People miss out on the glory of the Lord all the time bc they are too busy consumed in themselves to see the Lords creation and all the gifts He has put on this earth. So proud of you for teaching Benny about these things so young. He is going to be such a man of the Lord. You are such a Godly mother. Thank you for sharing and inviting us to marvel at the works of the Lord no matter where we are!!

    LOVE you!! xoox- N
