Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I wanted to share this video with you girls. These girls I found on Youtube and it was SO the Lord who brought me to them. I may be there biggest fan. The way the praise the Lord with their incredible voices just kills me. Its SO overwhelmingly beautiful! If something can sound this good on earth, I cant even imagine what heaven will sound like. You should watch all their videos. They ALL bring me to tears and to my knees. You will be so blessed to worship with them.

This is their latest video. This song is SO gorgeous. Just listen to the words and be encouraged to run hard into the Lords arms today.

Praying for you all,


  1. Ummmmmmmm are you kidding me????? I don't even know where to begin! That was seriously just beautiful and so peaceful and blessed! Wow, like I am in LOVE with those words and with their voices! They are so gifted, they sound like angels! Those words are just so beautiful, thank you for posting this!!!! Love it! Megs

  2. Natalie, this is beautiful! I just went and found them and listened to all their songs. What sweet talent and so neat to use it to glorify the Lord. Love your blog you guys have :). Love, Jordanna
