I grew up really involved in church. I was part of a youth group of a couple hundred kids. I of course had a my closest friends that I hung out with, but there were a lot of other kids that I came in contact with on a regular basis. One of those kids was Robert. Robert was socially very hard to interact with. He was a crack baby, so was born with some complications and was adopted into a family at our church that have probably been there at least 20 years. Robert is a couple years younger than me so we grew up together and he always took a liking to me, (He likes everyone). He is the kind of kid that you mostly try to avoid. Saying that aloud sounds terrible but since he doesnt know any better he corners you to chat and basically wont let you go until you have to take charge and end the conversation. But bless his heart, he has such a precious spirit. Everyone knows Robert.
Since I have graduated, I see him sometimes at church and he can always find me like a needle in a hay stack. Somehow, wherever I am Robert finds me and wants to talk. He even found me at a Taylor Swift concert once! I cant even find someone I am on the phone with at a concert! And somehow years ago he got my phone number so I get random calls from him. I have been invited to his wrestling banquets, pool parties, candle parties his aunt is having (haha) and all sorts of stuff. I mostly dont answer my phone when he calls bc I dont want to hurt his feelings to tell him no. He is so precious he calls at all.
The other day Robert texted me to see if I wanted to go to the beach next saturday. I just felt like the Lord was telling me to take a little time to show him a little love and attention. After all, I am trying to reflect the Lord, so this is a good first step for me since I suck at it so bad. Normally I would ignore the text or just tell him "Thanks Robert but sorry I cant. Talk to you soon!." But I really felt God leading me to take some time to text him and extend Gods love. (I sound like such a horrible person, thats cause I kinda am) Our conversation went like this:
Robert: Hi how are you doing and would you like to hang out next sat, going to the beach
Me: Hi Robert, Im good thank you! I am sorry but I am going to be out of town but I hope you have fun!
Robert: Ok and what have you been doing and how is everything
Me: I have a boutique downtown. We are about to open a new location in the gaslamp. It is great! Thank you for asking :)
Robert: wow, so awesome and great to hear that and let me know if you ever need help I can bring sound (Robert helps with the sound board at church, he loves it and it makes him feel involved)
Me: Ok great thank you Robert! Ill keep that in mind. I hope you have a great day!
Robert: If you need any audio let me know that is what I am doing.
Me: Ok great! Good for you Robert, I am so proud of you!
Robert: You too and I hope we can get together sometime.
Me: Ya, maybe Ill see you at church sometime
Robert: Yep it will be fun, and thank you, you rock
Me: You too Robert!
Robert: Thank you and you have made my day.
Me: I am so glad! You are a blessing Robert!
Robert: I wish more people would treat me you like you do.
Me: That is sweet Robert :) I gotta go get ready for work, but I hope you have a great day! God bless you!
"I wish more people would treat me like you do"....Ok conviction!!! That was a small, easy conversation that totally convicted me. If it wasnt for the Holy Spirit pressing into me to extend some love I would have moved on with my day without any of that interaction. As you saw that made Roberts day, and he even told me people dont treat him nicely. I am so guilty of this too. Its not his fault he was a crack baby or has any of the problems he lives with. It was ONLY because of God's grace and pressing upon my heart that I took time to chat with him and it blessed me more than him. To hear him say that was just what the Lord needed to teach me. I dont get to chose who I love, and just get to love those who are easy to love. Every single person is a reflection of the Lord. EVERYONE. So as a Christian I am expected to to extend and reflect Christ's love. Its not an option or a suggestion. Its a calling. But it is a choice. We can choose to serve God with our lives or not serve him. I want to choose Christ. Even if it does put me out of my comfort zone. I am trying to get to that point where I am actually ok with the challenges I pray for. Its like I pray for the Lord to give me opportunity then I back down. I wanna mean it when I say "Here I am Lord" and not pick and choose when I want to respond. I am learning being sold out isnt easy, but it was never supposed to be. It wasnt easy for Christ either.
I thought about this interaction all day. And as I was laying in bed, the Lord put this song in my heart. Its called "If We Are The Body" by Casting Crowns. Its exactly what I needed to be reminded of. The song talks about if we are the Body of Christ than why arent we showing His love with all that we are, to everyone?? I think it is what we all should be reminded of. I encourage you all to listen to the words of this song and let the Lord remind you of who He called you to be as Christians.
I love you girls. I dont tell you this at all to boast in myself, but to boast in the Lord for graciously allowing me to have the ears and heart to actually hear the things He is asking of me. I am so in need of these tests and challenges to refine my sinful heart. I have NO good thing besides the Lord.
I challenge you girls to step out this week and love the ones that are not easy to love.
xoxo- N
1 Corinthians 12:12-27
12The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. 13For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
14Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. 15If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. 16And if the ear should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. 17If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20As it is, there are many parts, but one body.
Hey girls this is Rachel Meldrum-
ReplyDeleteI know I'm not apart of your study but Megan sent me the link to your blog. I have to tell you Natalie, what you wrote here really spoke to me, convicted me and encouraged me to pursue Christ and show people the love that Christ has shown us, his church. Thank you for sharing your heart with me.... even though you had no idea I was reading. Very encouraging!
ReplyDeleteSO glad to see you here with us!! Its so fun to see others on the blog and be encouraged that the Lord is working in so many hearts! Keep posting comments! its my favorite part to see how the Lord presses on our hearts as He speaks through each one of us! And please pass it on to whoever else you think may be blessed by it!
xoxo- Natalie
Ah! I really liked this post! I am SO with you Natalie. The mean side of me doesn't like to spent extra time with people who "need it most." I got really convicted a few weeks back when I read in my Bible study that, "As Christians, our lives should be a refuge for the hurting, not a country club for the comfortable." Jesus said in John 13:35 that of all the identifying marks of a Christian, love should be the thing that gives us away. Agape love - "the unconditional, never-ending love of God flowing through and out of our lives."
ReplyDeleteNatalie - You put aside your natural human tendencies to ignore the needy and you showed agape love to Robert. We really need more people like you who are willing to do this.
Thanks for sharing!
Natalie, this was beautiful. I have tears in my eyes. I want to meet Robert! This really spoke to me more than you know. We do not get to chose who to extend our Love towards and I get the F all the time in this departement. God has given you such wisdom nat and such grace with your words. I just love seeing you grow! Thank you so much for sharing and encouraging us on. Love you Nat
ReplyDeleteps Rachey, SO wonderful seeing you on here!!! yay! so glad you are reading and posting! Love you sweet friend Love Megs
This was a very good post, I agree it made me think and realize just how a show of love to someone can change so much. God calls us to love above everything and it truly is so powerful. Thank you for this... I just love how sweet you are to Robert, what a special friendship :) love you.