Growing up in San Diego I haven't experienced a whole lot of huge storms. It was always exciting when it rained and I still now run to the window when I hear the rain. The other night while in Lubbock, Texas I experienced my first summer rain storm. It was so incredible. It rained hard, hot rain like I had never felt before. And the thunder rolled and crashed so loud you never questioned what it was. Then there was the lightning. It was so bright you could see it with the windows shades closed in the house. And when we drove in the storm you could see the lightning strike in all it's glory, coming down with such power in beautiful lines with such grace. The whole time I sat in awe thinking of our God who was purposefully orchestrating the whole show. I would have loved to sit out on a big wide front porch on a swing and watched the whole thing in it's entirety.
I couldn't help but picture in my head Psalms about God commanding the storms with thunder and lightning. I had such a precious time with God that night just really digging in the Word reading through 1Samuel and letting the Lord remind me of His faithfulness and love for us. I decided instead of splitting my time half in the word an half in my devotional that I would just read my bible because I was so excited about what I was reading.
The next morning I woke up and read my devotional that I was supposed the read the night before. The first thing I read was:
Psalm 97:1-4
The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad;
Let the distant shores rejoice
Clouds and thick darkness surround Him;
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne
Fire goes before Him
And consumes his foes on every side.
His lightning lights up the world;
The earth sees and trembles.
Of course. Of course it was a Psalm about His glory in creation and lightning. I proceeded to read with a big smile on my face just that He alone provided a Psalm so perfect and then the whole devotional following was a story about a Texas summer thunder and lightning storm. Really? I mean really?!! Why and how was that even in my book at all? God is soo perfect!
All that to say God loves us SO much. I think that storm was just for me to remind me of His greatness and to teach me that He thinks of every detail all the time. I just think it's amazing that He continually meets us right where we are. Even if we are in Texas. It's right where we are supposed to be.
Love you girls just wanted to share because I thought that was so cool!
Xoxo- Natalie
aah i just LOVE it when God orchestrates everything so perfect like that!! it is so crazy when He is speaking to you and showing you something. And how neat in the form of a storm (haha that rhymed). Storms are sooo majestic, i love them. Thanks for sharing this story and reminding me that God truly meets me everywhere I am. Love you