I'm pretty sure most of you know who Shane Claiborne is, but I found his book on my shelf "Irresistible Revolution" (On sale at amazon for $4 if you don't already have it) last week as I was making room for my new books this semester. This book changed my life the first time I read it. I wish I could quote his entire book into our blog for people to read, but I wanted to focus on just one part that has been on my heart:
Page 128-129
"Servanthood is a fine place to begin, but gradually we move toward mutual love, genuine relationships. Someday, perhaps we can even say those words that Ruth said to Naomi after years of partnership: "Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried" (Ruth1:16-17)
And that's when things get messy. When people begin moving beyond charity and toward justice and solidarity with the poor and oppressed, as Jesus did, they get in trouble. Once we are actually friends with folks in struggle, we start to ask why people are poor, which is never as popular as giving to charity. People do not get crucified for charity. People are crucified for living out a love that disrupts the social order, that calls forth a new world. People are not crucified for helping poor people. People are crucifed for joining them. "
We are blessed with the most amazing party givers, and get together to celebrate one another with no hesitation. Can it be possible for us to get together and help a cause? For one day, a week, whatever it might be. Let us serve together. I have been looking for different organizations whether it is feeding the homeless, organizing a group to give toys, and if anyone else would like to join me I will continue to look for something as a group. PLLLEAASSEEE list your ideas or give organizations you are familiar with. Love you all!
OK, first of all, God is just SO amazing! He has been placing heavily on my heart to be more of a servant. To spend my time on earth, not just once or twice, but my continual time, serving others in need. I am not kidding it has been on my heart 24/7 for about a month now! Then I literally JUST finished reading Ruth LAST night! I just love how God places things on our hearts, then on everyone's hearts around us to encourage us to act on it! It's so amzing! I would LOVE to do something as a group, seriously Nica, such a bold and beautiful idea!
ReplyDeleteI love all your ideas, I will research around and find some ideas as well! Lets do this girls! Lets pray for God to prepare our hearts now and show us areas that need work in preparating for a lifetime of serving God's people! Such great practice for an eternity of serving God! Thank you!
I love this idea. I think it is brilliant. I would love to get together and serve in our community. We as believers and Christ followers should do just that; Follow Christ. He didnt serve just to serve He served to show what agape looks like, to show the kind of love we needing to be loving and serving each other with.
ReplyDeleteI would love to serve together. There would be nothing that would bless us more. Let us know what you find and let us all be praying about where the Lord wants to use us to serve and to be a light to those who need it most.
Thank you Nica for calling this to our attention and pointing out how we can be more like Christ. I love your heart, God has totally given you a servants heart.
xoxo- N
I agree, this is a really good idea. It's so true how in one minute we have no problem celebrating different things together and throwing parties..but we have yet to celebrate our Lord (minus the retreat and worship at ashley's party at my apartment) and in ways where we are SERVING Him! He is the reason we are all friends anyways, right!? I will think about ideas and look into things too. love you, wonderful idea!
ReplyDeleteOkay, God is soo cool. I literaly spent last night at starbucks talking with my friend Brit how we really felt like we needed to be serving in the community. God is obviously putting this on all of our hearts. Wow I am seriously laughing. Of course this morning I would read this blog and Christina's about serving the community.
ReplyDeleteYesterday and church my pastor asked us how are we being faithful? I seriously could not think of one thing I was doing to help the widow, poor, parentless, unloved. So Sad.
Last night I drove home thinking of what to do. Honestly I would love to do anything that just put us serving the community. We could even pack sack lunches and take them to the homeless park near 18th street in Costa Mesa and have lunch with the homeless. I would love to get in the community and love the people who Jesus loves :)
Girls I am sooo encouraged!!
Nicole Lets do this!!! I would love to do anything you find!
YAY! I'm so glad this is on all of our hearts! Ashley, I love that idea! I also found one for a bake sale... we could even have our own and donate to something we find. So Awesome, i'm so excited for this!