Hi Ladies, I just finished reading Joshua and started Judges in the Bible (what can I say, I'm a bit of a slow reader!) If there is one thing I have learned from Genesis up to this point, it's just how serious God is about our relationship with him. Yes he is a God of grace and forgiveness, but I am feeling SO convicted of trying to take advantage of that. In reading these books I'm seeing just how jealous our God is (and rightfully so!) He wants ALL of us, ALL the time! He is so faithful to us and he wants our faith in return. It is so clear in these early books, that yes God forgives us when we mess up and gives us another chance, but not without punishment and consequences. We cannot ignore our God, place idols before him, choose to be of this world and not of him, and just expect him to sit by ready to take us with open arms whenever we feel like it. He will always be there, but there will most likely be consequences in our life for those above actions. Because we do not have Angels of the Lord appearing before us it may be harder to recognize what those consequences are, but I am confident they are there. We serve the same God as Abraham and Isaac, he is still a jealous God.
Judges 3:7-9 says,
"The Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD; they forgot the LORD their God and served the Baals and the Asherahs. The anger of the LORD burned against Israel so that he sold them into the hands of Cushan-Rishathaim king of Aram Naharaim, to whom the Israelites were subject for eight years. But when they cried out to the LORD, he raised up for them a deliverer, Othniel so of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother, who saved them."
These verses were heartbreaking to me, I have never felt so convicted. "the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD, they forgot the LORD their God..."
How many times do I forget the LORD my God? How many times to I serve my idols in my life over him. How many times do I call him in times of need then forget about him as soon as things are smooth again? I feel horrible that I ignore God, I know I should be praying, reading, or just sitting in quiet listening to him and instead I choose to zone out on my computer or clean the house or do so many other things. I cannot get that line out of my head, "they did evil things in the eyes of the LORD, they forgot the LORD their God." Forgetting God is evil in his eyes...YIKES! I knew it was "frowned upon" but evil is scary! I do not want to be evil before my God, I want to have confidence before Him and be Holy and pleasing!
Let's choose TODAY to not ignore the LORD our God. Let's listen to Him, pray to him, take a good chunk of our day spending time with Him. Whatever it is you feel God putting on your heart, lets NOT ignore it today. One day at a time and no better time to start than today!
I am praying over each of our hearts, my prayer has been for God to expose the areas of our hearts that we need to completely surrender to Him...WOW did he expose my areas FAST! I have so much to work on but it is such an exciting conviction, I don't feel bad when convicted because now I am seeing there are answers! God exposes our sins then gives us answers and a way in his Word to purify our sins and hearts! It's so exciting to find another area and give it up to God! Ignoring God is a BIG area in my life, this is going to take alot of dedication to change my patterns! Praying over each one of you Ladies, Love Megs
This reminds me so much of your teaching about saying aloud, "I CHOOSE TO..." It's so convicting because half of the time I am saying in my head, "I'm choosing to watch TV or do this or that over spending time with God," yet I don't want to say it out loud like it's better if I don't or something. I need these reminders that I can start spending more time throughout the day with the Lord TODAY. It doesn't need to be a big life changing move, just to consciously choose to be in the Lord's presence today. Thank you Megs!
ReplyDeleteI am loving everything that GOD is showing you right now! So powerful. When we are in a place of seeking the LORD, we find HIM.
Thank you for your prayer I can really use it. Thank you as well for this reminder of putting GOD first. I need to hear this over and over again!
Wow so powerful.
LOVE you Meme
LOVE this Megs, like Ash said I love the things the Lord is showing you too. its amazing how He has been revealing things left and right to you. Its incredible. Thank you for this reminder on choosing God first in our lives. I need to be reminded of that so badly. I am so terrible when it comes to putting idols before the Lord. Its a constant struggle for me. And even more so just straight up ignoring Him. There are so many days I dont get to time with Him. Its so pathetic. I need to in fact right now go do the things that the Lord has been putting on my heart. Thank you!
ReplyDeletexoxo- N