I'm sitting here reading my bible yesterday morning, beginning the book of Judges. I can already tell what this is going to be about, but I figured it would continue along with the progression of Israel following and falling away from God. What I didn't expect was to be put in a bad mood after reading only two chapters. Why? Well I guess I figured it would be nothing new since the Israelites had the repeated behavior of disobeying God over and over again, regardless of the fact that they saw miracles God was performing right in front of them. But for some reason, this hit me differently. I guess I read it in a new light and discovered something about myself.
I learned the biggest threat to Israel from the Canaanites wasn't their army or their ability to fight, but their religion. They idolized other gods and had practices that couldn't have been farther from God asks of us to do. The Israelites were tempted by their lifestyle, which eventually was what drew them away from God. It all seemed so repetitive, but I couldn't help but realize that throughout many areas of my life, I am a Canaanite. So I don't bow down to statues and sacrifice kids but I find myself easily falling into the commonality of worshipping other "idols." It's a much-talked about thing in churches but how often do we actually try and fix that? It's easy to point it out and admit that we let many worldly things take our time away from God, but what are the steps we are taking to eliminate those? God doesn't ask us to hide it, and if we do, it's not like He won't see it. He asks us to completely rid the sin in our life that is taking our devotion and time away from the Lord. Failing to do this results in a gradual deterioration of our relationship with God. I think the key word here is gradual… it doesn't happen overnight and knowing me, I would never notice it in myself. But that's how the enemy works! Before we know it, we're spending 3 hours in front of the TV, 2 hours shopping, 2 hours getting ready, etc, etc, etc. Not that these are sins in themselves but these may be areas in our life where we can put so much energy and devotion towards, thus taking our time from God.
God wants us to be holy and repent. He WILL take us back and forgive us; He is that merciful! I need to turn from my selfish ways and truly do my part for God before I claim the promises He has given me. The essence of sin is selfishness, but the essence of God is selflessness. Truly God just wants us and us alone, so turn from the things that keep us apart from Him and be able to really know what living in His presence all day is like. Eek… what a challenge!
Try and pray every hour during an entire day. Even if it's a short 3 minute prayer, take time at the hour to praise God, thank Him for what He has done or ask Him for help to get through your day. I tried one day last week starting at 7am... but forgot at 3pm and then the rest of the day after that. :( It was a lot harder than I thought! Also, during this week of Passover, remember how faithful the God we serve is. Eat some matzo and drink some wine if it helps you to reflect on it!
I am a canaanite too....Ashley and I felt the same exact way reading through the OT as you. Were so frustrated with the Israelites and were so mad that they couldnt just follow God. Then we realized, we were the exact same. I cant tell you how many times i have seen God faithfulness in my life with my very own eyes, yet still decide to worship other things. This was so right on Twist. This has been my focus this week and continually will be to praise God for being faithful all the time and to put my energy towards praising Him in ALL I do. To break habits of following my sinful ways. There is so much more time that can be spent with the Lord everyday in my life. Yet I CHOOSE not to. I wanna tackle that area of my life. This is exactly what I needed to hear. And I am going to the prayer challenge too. I love you thank you for sharing what the Lord is revealing! xoxo
ReplyDeleteummmm wow, I think you wrote this blog while watching my life! haha This hit me straight in the heart. God is SO faithful and I'm seeing that in the OT and in my life! It's so cool how the Lord is putting the same things on our hearts. your post is exactly what God has been putting on my heart too! Thank you for sharing and your honesty! Love you! Megs