I have been studying the names of God the past 5 weeks and it is totally changing my understanding of God and my prayer life. I am reading a book called Praying the Names of God by Ann Spangler. You should all read it. It will change your life.
This week I studied the name Yahweh Yireh, The Lord who will provide. (Pronounced yah-WEH yir-EH) The Hebrew name raah (RA-ah, from which yireh is derived) means "to see." In this case, it is translated as "provide." We serve a God who is able to see the past, present and future, who works outside of time, and so is able to provide everything we need. The English word "provision" is made up of two Latin words that mean "to see beforehand." When you pray to Yahweh Yireh you are praying to the God who sees the situation before hand and provides for your needs.
The key scripture for this name is in Genesis 22:13-14 when Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac as an offering before the Lord. Just as he was about to sacrifice Him the angel appeared and told Abraham that now the Lord knows that he fears Him. In response, God provided a ram who's horns were stuck in the thicket, to sacrifice as an offering instead of Isaac. Abraham called the place The LORD will Provide.
We are called to trust God in all areas of our lives, and sometimes that means giving and sacrificing the things we hold most precious. But shouldn't those be the things that we bring to God first? Don't you think that God deserves our very best, the best things we have to offer? If you do agree with that, and believe that is true, look at your life and see if you are sacrificing your best to the Lord. I know I am not. Most the time it is because of my lack of faith and me wanting control, but we serve Yahweh Yireh, the Lord who has already seen into our lives and knows the outcome, so He knows EXACTLY what to provide for us to make it easy and bless us the most. We worry so much about our lives, yet need to be praying more to Yahweh Yireh, because He knows how to satisfy.
I am going to quote my devotional from this Friday because it really hit home for me and I want you guys to read the exact words.
"Scripture is full of the promises of God, and when we respond to him faithfully, nothing can prevent their fulfillment. That holds true regardless of circumstances. Think for a moment about Abraham's circumstances. God had promised his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in he sky and the sand on the seashore. But how could that promise be fulfilled if the first star, the first grain of sand, Isaac himself, were destroyed? Ironically, the promise was fulfilled precisely because Abraham was willing to act in a way that seemed contrary to its fulfillment. Had Abraham refused to obey God, he might well have forfeited the incredible blessings that followed."
It was like a light bulb went off in my head after reading through that ( I encourage you to read it again if need be to really get it, I had to..) We are called to give our best, trust in Yahweh Yireh, and respond obediently, then we will be blessed. But WE have to be obedient. If we don't do our part in obeying God, we are not allowing God to provide, and to bless us like He desires.
Tonight, read these scriptures and let Yahweh Yireh, remind you that He has provided, is providing, and will provide for you IF you are obedient in trusting and sacrificing where He is calling you. I encourage you to use this name tonight as you pray, it is so powerful to call on God using His names, when asking for specific things for you life.
Deuteronomy 15:4-5, 1 Cor 10:12-13, Matt 6:28-34, 1 Tim 6:17-19
I love you girls. May we trust in Yahweh Yireh and learn how powerful it is to call on His name specifically to provide for our lives.
xoxo- Natalie
I love this! Nat you are bringng it home like....We won't mention his name :)
ReplyDeletelol. Thanks Fefe..haha that is so funny!!
ReplyDeleteThis was Beautiful Nat, thank you so much. Love Megs
ReplyDeleteI don't understand how ra'ah, to see, becomes yireh, to provide. Could you explain?
ReplyDeleteI recognize you! I think we met about a month ago.. I find it weird that I was looking this stuff up, and I had a conversation on it when I met u in person irrelevant to the surroundings. - Doug