Continuing on through the book of Judges is a constant reminder that the things we turn to other than God for help or fulfillment will never satisfy. It is a cycle of the same themes over and over again- sin, judgment, and repentance. It is only until the Israelites have reached the end of the rope, the deepest pit of despair, that they finally reach out to God and ask for rescue. I think it's insane just how many times God takes them back. We are so fortunate for His mercy and forgiveness that He does the same for us.
I learned something else though this week while I was in prayer. I was pleading to God with help and strength in an area that I am struggling in, realizing that I cannot do anything by my own power but only through the power of the Holy Spirit. I was telling God that I know I want to seem in control of my life and not let it reflect to others very often that I in fact don't have much control over things, and it was if God stopped me in my prayer and asked me, "Why do you feel the need to be in control?"
It was a powerful moment because I felt like I couldn't really come up with an answer. Why do I want to appear to others and to myself that I am in control of my life? Perhaps it is the reason that I am in fact, not in control of my life, now matter how hard I try. The only real thing in control is the Lord. However, if I am not giving Him the reins to my life- the biggest areas where I'm weak and the things I try to control the most- I find that my life starts to inevitably spin out of control. It was a simple realization on my part that the harder I try to control, the more I find myself broken down and unable to deal.
I am blessed with the fact that God is truly in control of our lives, whether we want Him to be or not. However the consequences for not putting Him as our guide and consulting Him for help with our biggest struggles prove to be more harmful than we can imagine. I feel like the weight on my shoulders was lifted after I spoke with God that night, but need to remember to be asking desperately for His help every single day. This freedom is only the beginning for me as is the peace I feel knowing that God loves me so much to take on my struggles, sins, worries and cares. What a good God we have, and what a shame it is that it took me so long to realize this.
Remember that God takes it all for us.
"Then Jesus said, 'Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light.'"
-Matthew 11:28-30
This is one of my favorite verses. It is hard to believe that someone or something could love us unconditionally. There has to be something we do that makes him disown us! But nope. We worship a God whose love and forgiveness is like none other.
ReplyDeleteFor my yoke fits perfectly....wow!! That is SOO encouraging. God knows our hearts so well, He knows our every need. I am studying the names of God and this week I am studying Yahweh Yireh, (aka Jehovah Jireh) The God Who Sees Us and Provides. This goes along so well with that, that He hears our cries and provides rest for us when we need Him to rescue us. I love what you said about wanting control of your life too, and not figuring out why. I am so right there with you. That was so challenging. Thank you for reminding us of God's promise of rest.
ReplyDeleteSo powerful and encouraging, thank you for your honesty Christina. The Lord has put this verse on my heart several times throughout the last two weeks and I keep sharing it with Rachel and praying these exact words when thinking of her. So powerful.
ReplyDeleteYour questions are really making me think...hmmm thank you. will definitely be reflecting on that. Love you so much xtina! Love megs