I was reading this on my sisters blog and thought I would share it with you! It's from a little bit ago, but still so sweet. It made me smile...enjoy! (below I copy and pasted from Laura's blog)
Taylor: "Is heaven inside or out?"
Mommy: "I think it's both."
Taylor: "Do we get there in a car or the stroller?
"Mommy: (PAUSE) "Hopefully neither."
There's nothing like a three year old processing the mysteries of the heavenly realm. Lately, I've found myself answering questions like, "What's salmation (salvation)?" And, "Is Jesus here in my bed RIGHT NOW?"
One night last week Taylor and I spent half an hour just talking about heaven. She asked me to read her the part in the Bible where it talked about heaven. Sounds sweet and simple enough but try translating Revelation to a three year old whose only bedtime objective is to keep the questions coming.Together we opened Revelation and with Taylor leading the way tackled the important issues:
One night last week Taylor and I spent half an hour just talking about heaven. She asked me to read her the part in the Bible where it talked about heaven. Sounds sweet and simple enough but try translating Revelation to a three year old whose only bedtime objective is to keep the questions coming.Together we opened Revelation and with Taylor leading the way tackled the important issues:
"How sparkly are the streets of gold?"
"Can we touch the gates made out of pearl?"
"What is pearl?"
"Can I bring my glitter glue pen to put on the streets to make it even more shiny? Will Jesus let me?"
"Is there a playground?"
"And what kind of princess dress will I have?"
"Who else will be there?"
"Is God my daddy?.. Is His name Trevor?"
I did my best (praying the entire time for simple but TRUE answers) because I know my daughter and I know she does think about these things and will be processing our bedtime converstion for a while... or forever.
I did my best (praying the entire time for simple but TRUE answers) because I know my daughter and I know she does think about these things and will be processing our bedtime converstion for a while... or forever.
And as only a parent can do, I spent the night worrying about it. Because worrying about our three year old's salmation is what we do. All night, I was sweating it out hoping I gave a succinct, simple and yet profound enough answer to, "what is salmation?" to carry her through all of life's challenges, trials, and tribulations.
Of course, by the next morning that part of our sharing time seemed to be settled just fine in her mind. Instead, day in and day out, over and over and over again, the number one question for Jesus coming out of the Blackann household is,"Can I bring my glitter glue pen with me to heaven?"
Thank heaven for little girls!
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"And he said, I tell you the truth, unless you repent and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 18:3
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"And he said, I tell you the truth, unless you repent and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 18:3
Silly and cute but such a sweet reminder of viewing God through a child's eyes! So innocent...
Love Megs
Megs, this is the most precious little thing I have EVER read. OH MY GOODNESS. Thank you so much for sharing that with me. I am going to tell EVERYONE about that. I think that stuff is so important for us to read because it gets us back to the basics. Back to innocence just questioning who God is with a pure heart. I too wonder those same things about the nature and mystery of heaven. What a sweet little girl, she totally knows Jesus! Praise God for that!! And you know what...I think God will totally allow her to bring her glitter pen to heaven ;) I needed to read that Megs. Thank you for sharing. :) I love you xoxo- N
ReplyDeleteMegs I love this so so so much! And I love the verse that you included. How we all need to have child like faith. And I love how your sister was praying so much to give a true biblical answer. It is easy to tell kids anything. I was talking with a little girl about easter and she very stubornly told me that I was wrong that her uncle had told her Jesus died so that we could have bunnies. Cute story but a lost opportunity to share the gospel with a very impressionable child of God.
ReplyDeleteMegs this just put a smile on my face :) little children have the sweetest love for God. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThis is the cutest thing EVER! I just read it to my sister as well. So cool Megs!!!