“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31
In my daily life I often find it hard to glorify God doing small mundane things. I have no problem if I am sitting reading my bible.
But as soon as I get up from my devotions, I seem to lose the intimacy that I felt with the LORD earlier.
By the end of the day my devotional time is a distant memory. I often go to bed feeling like I have not spent time with God. Does this ever happen to you?
We have to work, grocery shop, clean, drive, go to meetings, etc. But we are also told to do everything for the glory of God. How can we live our lives while at the same time worshiping?
I heard a story recently about how a person spent the best times of worship at a copy machine? Do you feel lost? So did I. The person went on to say, that as he would make copies he would pray and talk with God.
Talk about doing everything for the glory of God! I desire to be that person, someone who is always worshiping God.
I love that in this scripture it says, “Whether you eat or drink.” It is talking about the mundane things of life here, it is not saying don’t do these things, instead it says while you do these things, “Glorify God!”
Worship: A natural tendency of every man’s heart. Worship is the expression of the desires of your heart. We worship what we value, what is important, what we love. Worship is never ending, you are always worshiping because you were created to worship. God is the only one who deserves or is worthy of our worship.
“I will praise you, LORD my GOD, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.” Psalm 86:12
Prayer: God I pray that you would enrapture us in your perfect love. Let everything that we do in our daily lives lead us to a deeper connection with You. Forgive us for not always glorifying you in our words or actions. God I pray that you would captivate our hearts. Let us not go astray, protect us and keep us close to You. In Jesus’ holy name. Amen!
Love you girls and baby B!!!
Ash B I needed this post more than you know. I cannot thank you enough for writing out what God has placed on your heart. Like every word in this post I needed to hear, right now.
ReplyDelete“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31
putting that on my fridge right now. Thank you so much. Love Megs
MaeMae, I am so glad that this was encouraging! Isn't God so perfect that He always uses us to encourage eachother. I would be a mess, if it wasn't for you girls! You always pour truth and love into my life!!!
ReplyDeleteAHHHH I needed this sooo sooo bad too! I just came home stressed out and totally annoyed and just felt lead to come bury myself with something from our blog. Low and behold this is exactly what the Lord wanted me to hear! THANK YOU LORD!! He always has our best interest in mind. I love that He lead me right to the source of encouragement and peace! Thank you thank you thank you! I feel so much better after this!
ReplyDeleteLove you Bug! xoxo- N