Today as I celebrate Thanksgiving my heart is completely overwhelmed by the truth that we have NO good thing besides the Him, the One who has given it all to us and abundantly poured out His blessings on our lives.
I woke up today and had this verse in my head from Psalm 100:
"Enter His gates with Thanksgiving, and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His Name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues throughout all generations" - Psalm 100:4-5
We are so undeserving of the blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon our lives, but today we give thanks and remember the loving covenant Yahweh made with His children, the redeeming sacrifice that the Precious Lamb of God gave to us on calvary, and the thick invasion of the Holy Spirit who loves us enough to dwell in our hearts as His home and refine us to be vessels for His work.
Today, I also give thanks on my knees for you girls and how each one of you has enriched my understanding of the Living God in ways I could never repay you for. To you all I say THANK YOU to for being such incredible sisters in Christ and walking this life with me. Thank you for holding my hand through hard stuff, for praying for me and the people in my life, for extending grace when it was not deserved, for encouraging me through every season, for rejoicing with me in times of joy, and most of all for always pointing me to the cross to a deeper understanding of Our Abba Father. I pray blessing would return to you girls one hundred fold for all you have done for me. I cannot thank you guys enough for what loving, powerful, God fearing woman you have been in my life. Today I give thanks for EACH one of you and how your lives have so deeply blessed mine.
Lord, I praise you from the depths of my soul for the work you have done in and through us this last year. God your grace has covered us in ways which we could not ever comprehend. We stand before you with grateful hearts today knowing full well that everything good in our lives comes from You. We have NO good thing besides you. I praise you God for these girls and how you have used them to push me to fall deeper in love with you. I ask that you would continue to bless these friendships and that your Holy Spirit would invoke a deep hunger for more of You in our lives. May we always remember to come before you with a Spirit of thanks and a grateful heart for all your work in us. If your grace was the only gift we would ever receive, that alone would be enough. You have given far beyond what we deserve, and we stand before you and thank you for all you have poured out on our lives. We praise you God for loving us unconditionally and showing us what it looks like to reflect you. Thank you for all that we have all that we are. It is only by your grace. We love you. Amen.
Happy Thanksgiving girls!!
beautiful Nat, thank you for that verse! So thankful for each of my ladies God has blessed me with. Love you all
ReplyDeleteMegs and Baby B