“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.” Psalm 116:15
Death is the hardest thing for us to face. I believe in some ways it is even harder for Christians to deal with death. We know that GOD is in complete control, so He has to allow death. This is a very hard concept to grasp. But we know that Gods purposes are always perfect even though they may be hard for us to understand. It was through death, that salvation of the entire world came. Through the death of Gods only Son we are forgiven. Though Jesus’ death was gruesome and painful, and though Jesus’ family and disciples were grieved with His loss. God used Jesus’ death to save the entire world.
“I have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you.” Jeremiah 31:3
My Cousin died over seven years ago, she was seventeen and my family fell apart. My parents divorced and my extended family was split by grief. Through this terrible time in my life, I could do nothing else but cry out to the LORD. Through her death I learned the Love, Grace and Peace of God and my life has never been the same. God promised that He would love her, and I promised to follow Him. All these years later God is still using her death to bring my family to know the LORD. If anyone was to ask me, I would rather that she would be alive, but the truth is she is more alive now than she ever was on earth. God is being glorified and people are coming to know Him.
“And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, no more sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Then He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.” Revelation 21: 3-5
For those of us who have known a follower of Jesus who has died, we still mourn, we still experience sadness and we still ask why? But we can take comfort in the fact that we know they are in heaven and that is a precious gift that God gives us.
Prayer: LORD thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you that you truly give peace that passes understanding. Be with those who mourn, bring comfort and in all things be glorified. Help us to not look for answers in times of tragedy but instead look to You. Thank you Lord for the work that you are doing in my family, God please help them to know You! Amen
Sweet Ash, so so sorry about your precious cousin. I would have loved to meet her, I have heard so much about her. I have seriously been covering your entire family in prayer, grandmas, parents, brothers, aunts and uncles....Everyone! Thank you for this post, death is just awful. Deep deep sorrow and aching is not even strong enough to describe what we feel here on earth. I find such joy and comfort in all the scriptures that speak of no more mourning or tears in heaven. What a wonderful, perfect, beautiful place heaven will be. Can't wait! Love this post, thank you, Megs
ReplyDeleteThis is such a beautiful post! I just love how the Lord has given you eyes to see His work through things most people cant see the Lord in. Netty IS more alive now than ever. I would have loved to meet her as well. What a blessing I know she was to you and your family! The Lord will continue to use her and His promises to show your family His everlasting love. Thank you for sharing this Fefe.
ReplyDeleteLord, keep moving far beyond what we can see or imagine. We trust you and love you and know that through death you made your promise complete. Thank you for that incomprehensible sacrifice. We love you so much. Amen.
xoxo- N
5 days ago my Godson's dad was found dead in a river at the Grand Canyon, after missing for over 2 months. They think it was suicide. It has been a crazy mess with my family, his family, and all our friends. So many people were affected from this, and it has completely rocked our worlds. No one was prepared, or knew how to comfort those closest to him. I was so confused with God, not understanding what good could come from this, especially with something as ugly as suicide. But this post really blessed me, and reminded me of God's perfect plan, and that He is never absent from a situation: triumph or disaster. He is present, and He still reigns. I am believing that people are going to walk in His light because of this tragedy, and that the lost will turn to Jesus, the only truth. What a mighty, faithful, loyal and loving God we serve. I feel so honored to be a part of His kingdom, and am eternally grateful for the gift of life through his precious beloved- Jesus.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing this, Ashley. I am so sorry about your loss, I am not sure if it is something we ever completely heal from, but I know we grow from it and learn from it. Keep pressing on! :]