With that said, I wanna tell you guys about something that changed the way I view this life and I think will change yours as well.
This week, the Lord has placed new friends in my life. I wasnt even asking either, how cool is that! lol. My friend Sharina, (who I blogged about last time) has a friend who she has been wanting me to meet for months now. Her name is Tiffany Berkowitz. Because God is perfect, she actually is kinda connected to our group because she went on the world race and became really great friends with Kimi Cantrell. Anyways, I got to meet her the other night and the Lord totally spoke so much wisdom into me through her obedience to be a vessel and share what the Lord is teaching her. She encouraged me like CRAZY and just really poured so much love and wisdom into me. Wanna be challenged? Spend a night talking to Tiffany, there is a woman who knows the Lord.
We shared stories about just having our mind on the Lord and how when we hear God calling we have to be willing to obey and ready to hear His voice. She shared that the Lord has taught her she always needs to have "kingdom eyes" to be able to see past what we would normally see as humans, but to refocus her thoughts and heart to see things through the eyes of God with an eternal perspective.
This term "Kingdom Eyes" just kills me. It is SO rad. I want kingdom eyes, every single day. Every second of every day. When you have kingdom eyes, you dont see the annoying person in the car in front of you that wont drive fast enough, or the pissed off person who cut you off, you see lost hurting souls who were made in the image of Christ, and who DESPERATELY need more of Jesus. When you have kingdom eyes, you drive along the freeway and dont just think about your day and the stressful to do list. Instead you see the mountains that the Lord created and the trees that are starting to change colors just at the tips; orange and red and yellow, just because that's how the Lord called them into motion and thats how they worship their Creator. If you dont have kingdom eyes, you miss this stuff.
I go about my life all the time not even worrying about the strangers around me. But what if I had kingdom eyes all the time and the Lord revealed to me how to be praying for these people or even just to pray for encounters for them with their Creator? Maybe I am supposed to be the Jesus they see. How cool would that be if we just had an eternal perspective all the time. Girls, the more I dig into the Word and go deeper with the Lord, the more I realize this is not our home and our flesh is so temporary. We have a calling here, and our vision has to see past this life. It cannot be consumed with ourselves and our worries of each day. Each day, we have an opportunity to share God's love and spread this life of joy with others. I encourage you to do that. Ask God to give you those opportunities to see life through His eyes, to have kingdom eyes. Ask Him, Lord how can we bring your Kingdom here on earth today?
Lord, I ask for Kingdom Eyes for me and each one of my girls. God we desire to see past what we know on the surface, from what the world has taught us, but to have an eternal perspective, one that will change the way we think of others and of you Lord. I desire Lord, to have my eyes set on you, and that each one of us would not only see the things you are revealing to us, but to respond quickly. We have an opportunity to be used by you Lord. Help us to grasp what an honor that is and how when you call, its crazy if we dont answer. Holy Spirit take away the fear that is cultivated in our hearts and give us boldness and freedom in the Spirit. As we see more clearly the power of your grace and what really matters, give us spirits of boldness to step out in faith and share the love that you have so graciously given to us. Lord, we know its because you have given us a gift that we know you at all, so I ask we would not be hoarders of this gift, but share the joy and truth that you have overflowed our hearts with. God we beg for Kingdom Eyes. We dont want to have clouded vision Lord, but desire to have a clear perspective of what you are doing all around and how we can be used. We love you and are desperate for you Sovereign God. In your precious Name, Amen.
I love you girls. May the Lord flood your vision with Kingdom Eyes today.
xoxo- Natalie
Change my life!! LORD help me to slow down and Have kingdom eyes. Lord give me Your heart for Your people. Let me not in anyway bring shame to Your name or Your people as Your Child.