Wednesday, September 29, 2010
First Fruits Offering

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Recently when I was going through recovery from surgery my prayers became very redundant. They would always be along the lines of …
“God please help me, just this one time, please Lord help me get through this pain.”
A few hours later I would find myself praying the same prayer. I had to laugh, I was kidding myself to pray as if it was my last final prayer. Around day two I remember praying, “God I know I keep praying for you to help me just once, but I am going to need you again and again.”
As we read in Psalm 71, we can go to God continually. No matter how many times we call on the LORD He will always listen to our cries. I have the tendency to triage my problems. If I feel like there is a “big problem” I send out a mass prayer text. If I feel like it is a “small problem” I feel as if I can handle it on my own. I would never want to annoy God with my small request. The funny thing is that in comparison to God all of my “problems” are small.
If you or someone you know is going through a difficult time, encourage them to go to the LORD. If they say that they already have, tell them to go again and again and again. Tell them to wait at the feet of Jesus. Hold tight to the promise that we can go continually to the LORD and that He is our refuge.
Refuge- Noun: shelter or protection from danger or trouble. A place of shelter, protection or safety.
When I think of the word refuge the first thing I picture is battle or war. And sometimes in life we do feel as if we are being attacked from all sides. During these times remember that God is our refuge. When my life is falling down on all sides, I feel as if I need to be doing something tangible to fix my problems. Time and again, God lovingly shows me that my strength is found in the LORD, not myself.
The LORD is our Refuge, we can find peace in Him.
The LORD is our Safety, we do not have to fear.
The LORD is our Shelter from the storms of life.
The LORD is our Protection from harm.
Prayer: “LORD please be our refuge, hear the cries of Your daughters and help us to speak of Your righteousness.”
Response: How have you seen God as your refuge?
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Kingdom Eyes


Tuesday, September 7, 2010
1 Thessalonians 3:8
"For now we really live, since you are standing firm in the Lord"
1 Thessalonians 3:13"May He strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with his holy ones."
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
"May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it."
Just somethin' to ponder (With love, Kathleen)
(Excerpt from "Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosphical Fragments" by Soren Kierkegaard)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Pray for Ashely!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge

Trust in Him at all times, O people;
pour out your hearts to Him,
for God is our refuge.
I am established in Him! My identity is that whose image I was created! I declare that I am Yours, Abba Father. I declare that I am Yours Christ Jesus my Savior! Resurrect my soul! It is my will that my flesh be put to death and that I may carry my cross all the days of my life. I know that You have left this earth, You have sent Your Holy Spirit to reign in my soul and guide my thoughts and to convict me of that which is no longer in me but so eagerly attaches itself to me in hopes of victory. It is a battle I can not see, but feel constantly tugging. Wanting every bit of me that yearns for You. I am desperate for Your power. I am desperate! That Your Holy Spirit may bring the fruits that were lacking and bear the fruits of peace, joy, love, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness so that I may bring glory and honor to Your name and be a living testimony of Your grace. Let me not claim a denomination that has been set forth by man, but be a follower of the way, the truth and the life that set me free when I first accepted you into my heart and life. Let my church, let my roots, let my house of the Lord be in Your Word, the bondship in the unity of Christ and not in any man made thing or public figure. Let my church be within me Lord and let I take it with me wherever I may go to the ends of the earth! Let me dwell and rest and rejuvenate of the days when I was radically transformed and made a new creation. Because my eyes were opened. O YES LORD! And my ears were opened and now I can see! Now I can hear! May I never forget! May I never cease to listen! May I never cease to see the things that are of You! Now I can not deny the miracle that you have worked in me by making this heart of stone into a heart of flesh. I can not deny even though my mind is at battle. I ask Adonai and I commend Your Spirit, I invite you to break my double mindedness that falsely manipulates the truth that you have set before me. The evil one that perverts my thoughts and dreams is not welcome where Your holiness is! Lord, with Your mighty and Holy Name put the evil one away from me. Remind him that he was cast down by You and I am Yours! I ask You to heal, to restore my past hurts, anger and pain. The plots that are around me set forth by others to remind me of my past, I rebuke them in Your Name Christ Jesus! They no longer have dominion over my life, over my thoughts or over my dreams. There is no place for them in the plans that You Lord have for me which are plans for good! I am married to You. My covenant is with You, Lord. Lord I am Your bride, You are my groom. You are my romance, my desire, the love of my life and for all eternity. I am made whole in You and You alone. No one, no thing, shall separate me from Your love. Your promises are eternal, they never falter. Lord forgive me for my faltering, for my lack of luster, and bring back the sparkle to my eye. I am a desert and I thirst for Your righteousness like a barren wasteland thirsts for water. Be my water Lord and fill me up till I overflow! I have seen the joy that has come from You Lord! I have seen and I can not forget! That is what I crave! Lord I ask for you to bring that light which is You back into my heart, my life, my eyes, my soul, my thoughts, my dreams, my actions! Allow the stillness of the night to not bring loneliness but rather beckon worship. Allow the break of dawn to not make moans of another day, but rejoice in the gift of life and what it brings. How many times I will say Your Name to those who have yet to hear. Lord, remove the fear and doubt from my mind. Lord, remove the lies of death. Speak Your life into mine! Lord, allow the storms that gust in full force against me to not blow me over but to build strength as I press against them. Lord, allow my enemies to know my love for them and break down their walls and cold hearts. Restore their pain Lord and let there be reconciliation. Let the grace I impart through you be a testimony to them! To my family, to my friends. Let Your love reign supreme over any carnal love. A love that casts out fear! A love that brings healing and power! A love that unites! A love that conquers sin! Have Your will be done. Have Your will be done in me so that I may be all that You made me to be. With quickness and swiftness I cry out to You in prayer and earnestly, not because I am worthy, but because You Lord are faithful! Hear my cries, answer my prayers! Fill me with song and the gift of Your never ending mercy to flow from my lips.