Lately, He has been giving me visions of things to draw and create. Its the coolest thing because it is always right in the middle of when I am intensely praying. He puts words and pictures in my mind and graciously says "Go. Create this in my name!" I get SOOO overjoyed and excited, bc first of all, its just cool to experience the Lord CLEARLY speaking to you. Second of all, I LOVE to create and draw so that excites me everytime, but lastly, the whole experience is NOT of me. I create things that I cannot create without the Lord working through me and guiding my every step.
This happened last night to me. I was on my knees with a heavy heart last night and the Lord gave me a picture in my head. It was a bunch of bibles all stacked on top of each other and then one open on the table. Above it all it said "Love addiction." It was the coolest thing because I have been finding lately in my prayers that I have been telling God that I am addicted to His love, so this was cool. But I loved the way God laid this all out for me because it was a reflection of my heart and also where I desire to be. I do have a love addiction to God, and His Word, and at the same time, I always want to grow in my addiction and have a stronger desire to never leave this place.
I finished my time of prayer because I didnt want to make the project my idol, then I got up at like 12:30 am and started drawing. Its the strangest thing because ONLY when I draw things from the Lord can I do it so effortlessly. Usually I spend HOURS trying to create something I remotely like, but with these things I just do it, and God moves and literally 10 minutes later I am done. And I look at it trying to change or take away something, but I cant. Because its the Lords picture not mine.
I realized when I was writing out addiction that the word diction is in that word. It was so neat because it was a picture of a bunch of bibles and that also went together. I looked up the definition of "diction" and found this:
Diction (n) - style of speaking or writing as dependent upon choice of words: good diction
I thought about that in relation to Christ and I thought, shouldn't our diction reflect and be based upon the love of Christ? I want my words, my style of speaking, my writing all to be Christ's diction. Love Diction . I want to be addicted to love diction.
I read James two days ago and it not only kicked my butt like always but totally put me in place. It reminded me what were here for and that my heart is full of all kinds of things that are not of the Lord. I need to spend more time studying God's love, acting out on my addiction to who He is. I desire so much for my life and my love to reflect that of Jesus.
I love you girls and pray that each one of you would also be addicted to the Love, Truth and Word of God.
xoxo- Natalie :)
this is beautiful nat, good job. soooo cool that God works through you that way!!!!
ReplyDeleteI just love this, wow!!! Being addicted to God is just beautiful! Thank you for challenging me with this wording and making me realize what things in life I really am addicted to and how it needs to be replaced by God. Love the drawing! I love that as soon as I saw the drawing, I knew it was your post, I didn't even have to scroll down and see your name! It was SO you!! Love it! Megs