How often do we go into our hour and a half long church service prepared to meet with the Lord? For me, not at all. Just fifteen minutes prior to entering church I was probably getting dressed, getting coffee or eating something and then quickly drive over to church and go inside. Then I close my eyes when the pastor says to, say a quick prayer with him, sing some songs that I often don't pay attention to the words to and then, it's over. Yes during the service I may be in God's presence and hearing new things, but there are so many times I am spiritually disconnected during church. It's so easy to rush inside, still be thinking about this week's plans, be worrying about something or just pray whatever first thought comes into mind when the pastor asks us to pray. I am very guilty of this, and didn't really think of ever "preparing" myself before church. I guess I figured once I stepped into church I was already prepared, but this is definitely not the case.
In 1 Corinthians 14:40, it says, "Be sure that everything is done properly and in order." This could apply to many things in life, and one of those I see it as meaning to properly prepare myself before I meet with the Creator. He at least deserves my heart to be surrendered to Him for that full hour of church. Just as we prepare for a party we're throwing, a meeting for business, or a big date, we first and foremost should carefully prepare our hearts and minds as we go to meet our King in worship.