14"I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— 15just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. 17The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. 18No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father." John 10:14-18
For two weeks now God has been drilling into me how He is my Shepherd and I am his sheep. Its crazy how when God wants to teach you something He puts it everywhere you are. Two weeks ago, I studied the name of God "Yahweh Roi," (Pronounced Row-EE) which is "The Lord is My Shepherd." That same week at church of course, my pastor taught on how we are the sheep and God is our Shepherd. And again tonight at church the sermon was ALL about it. Its incredible that God even spoke to anyone else's heart besides mine tonight because I know that sermon was just what I needed to hear. But God is that incredible that He can speak to everyone's heart at once. We serve a Mighty God don't we? He is so detailed to think of every last thing we need.
I have heard that the Lord is my Shepherd all my life but God has really been stretching me to see this in a different light. First He has reminded me that there is NO WHERE He wont go to get me. Remember the parable of the Lost sheep in Luke 15? He goes after that one, because you are THAT important to Him. He will not stop until He finds you and brings you home. I have blessed to be able to travel quite a bit of the world, and to think that God will go anywhere in it to get us is insane. The world is HUGE! No matter how far I go, He will go there, and bring me back. He promises that. Just like He promised that to Israel in Deut 30, when He scatters Israel all over for being disobedient, and then asks them to please choose life in Him, He says "Even if you have been banished to the most distant land under the heavens, from there the Lord your God will gather you and bring you back." I love that so much. We cant go anywhere to escape the our Good Shepherd because He takes pride in His flock and loves us so much.
Sheep arent the smartest animals, and really being compared to sheep isnt really that great of a compliment. But its accurate to say the least. When sheep get lost, they dont come home by themselves. The Shepherd always has to keep watch over them and constantly be leading them where he wants them to go. Sound familiar? And the thing about sheep is that they need a shepherd to take care of them because they are basically defenseless. What can sheep do to protect themselves? Nothing really. Run, thats about it. And I dont think they are very fast. So they need a keeper. And they are fearful because of their lack of defense. They are always scared they are going to be harmed because well, they can be so easily. So even if their shepherd is coming after them to save them, they are still fearful because they dont know the rest of the intention. They can't understand it is for their own good. This is us!! We are the same way. How many times has God come all the way from heaven to come get you and bring you home, and you freak out and think that He is going to harm you? I know I do just about every time. Because we dont get it. We suck at trusting God, but He is our Shepherd and watches over us daily, protecting us and feeding and providing a path of righteousness.
The most incredible thing about Christ is that He knows what we go through. Not only is Our Shepherd, but He is the precious Lamb of God. He has walked in our shoes.
15For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. Hebrews 4:15
He has been there. He chose to show us how to live, by coming in flesh, to show what it looks like to be a living sacrifice. This is so amazing. We are called to bring an offering to God, to be a living sacrifice, but God sent His son to be the ultimate sacrifice, the Precious Lamb that was slain, so we can live in His grace. I dont think it was a coincidence that God used to call the Israelites to sacrifice lambs to atone for their sin. And what was Christ? The Lamb who atoned for all our sin instead. We serve the Shepherd who loves us enough to take care of us and the Precious Lamb who was slain and was the ultimate sacrifice to allow us to dwell with Him. A perfect example of a living sacrifice. If He was just a King He would teach us His laws and leave us to obey. But He is a Shepherd too, so leads us to His will for our lives.
May Yahweh Roi, Our Beautiful Shepherd who watches over us, knows our every need and would lay down His life for the sake of our lives (and did!) be exalted and trusted with all that we have. May we know that "we are the the people of His pasture, the flock under His care" (Psalm 95:6-7) and that "He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart" (Isaiah 40:11). We are so taken care of by God. Its crazy.
I encourage you to all read Psalm 23 today. And really dwell upon the words we have all heard so many times. "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want...." Read the whole thing and may you lean into the promises and rest God desires for each one of your lives.
I love you girls,
aaah i love this so much! like so much. i have never, ever heard that description or metaphor how we really are just like sheep like that before. it was amazing and so powerful. it has given me a lot to think about and thank God for, so thank you for that!
ReplyDeletelove xtina
Very nicely put Natalie. And to think, I JUST read Psalm 23 today when I was looking for verses for our Grandpa's funeral. I love it!
ReplyDeleteL.O.V.E. this. thank you! I am so fearful like those sheep and find such comfort in knowing God is my shepherd.
ReplyDeleteRachel's baby boy Daniel's headstone has a picture of a lamb and a cross in the corner. When she showed me the picture I remeber thinking how beyond perfect was that precious picture. Our Shepherd and Father has called him home and is holding him. This was a beautiful post Nat, thank you (love the little lamby in the pic! :) You would have a picture of you and a lamb that just fits so perfectly for this post hahaha love ya Megs
hehe well i think it's a goat, but close enough :)